Camels in front of the entrance to The Treasury in Petra, Jordan. Photo taken July 2014.
Hi everyone,
Today was an in-class work day for the Culture Project assignment, which will be due next Thursday for your class. We likely will not have any time in class next week to be working on this, so I hope you used time effectively today, and do not have much homework to do in regards to the assignment. Here's the recap for the day:
Learning Targets:
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Critical Thinking LT 1: I can explain multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
Knowledge LT 15: I can explain how culture both reflects and shapes society.
Behavior LT 1: I can manage my responsibilities as a student.
Soundtrack: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. Selected for today because of the association with Halloween! Also, because the Timbers and Ducks won thrilling last second games last night! Lyrics here.
AGENDA 10/30/15:
News Brief – Spencer
Culture Project
Work Time
Extra Stuff?
Homework: Read the blog. Continue working on the Culture Project - due next Thursday! Next news brief: James.
News Brief: Spencer had the news brief today and came in early to find this article with me before class: - Trenches, tactics help rebels survive Syria onslaught. We found Syria on our world maps and talked a bit about the update on the continuing civil war there, with many different countries having an interest. Thanks, Spencer!
James was randomly drawn to bring in the next news brief.
We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):
This will be due in class next week (probably Thursday), so be working on it at home, bring work into class to do, and ask questions if you need help!
Work Time: I went around the class and answered questions about the culture project, or helped brainstorm ideas. Please continue to be working on this at home! See you next week. :-)