Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Commissioner Fritz Visits - Class Recap

My mom, Amanda Fritz, came to talk with our class today!

Dear class,

Today was our last day before finals, so we decided to have my mom, Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz, come talk about her job, which counted as a Career Related Learning Experience towards graduation requirements! Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Communication LT 2: I can use language and style that is appropriate to the content area.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.
Knowledge LT 10: I can explain demographic changes in the world and their effects.
Knowledge LT 20: I can explain the impacts of nationalism and revolutionary movements. Knowledge LT 22: I can explain how religious ideas impact the shaping of societies.

Soundtrack: "City of Blinding Lights" by U2. Selected for today because my mom asked for a U2 song as her soundtrack, and she works for the City of Portland, serving all you beautiful people. :-) Lyrics here.

AGENDA 6/5/15:
News Brief – Jocelyn
Commissioner Fritz
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog (for the last time)! Your final project for the year is due at the start of next class (specific guide for what to do here). Next news brief: Nate.
News Brief: Jocelyn had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: BBC.com - Australian man arrested after bulldozer flattens house. Woah! The video with the story has some pictures of the house - incredible! Thanks, Jocelyn.

We did not watch VICE News (linked to if you want to watch it) today, because my mom was limited on time.

The next news brief was assigned to Nate, who kindly volunteered.

Commissioner Fritz: The first part of class was taken by my mom coming to talk about her experience as a Portland City Commissioner. I wanted students to hear from her as she was in the building, talking with my Government class before we met today. Thank you for your interest, focus, and questions! I'm glad that you got to meet my mom! I'm also glad you completed one of the four CRLE forms you need to graduate! :-)

Work Time: The rest of class was set aside for the final project. I was checking in with every student as to which learning targets they wanted to be graded on for the final. Speaking of the final project, this form clarifies what the expectation is going to be on the day of the final, as well as what students should be writing/talking about:

I'm going to keep it simple and have students just focus on this. You should already know what learning targets you need to work on. Use the chart at the top of the second page to focus your writing/speech notes on the specific issues in the conflict. I know there were a lot of questions on this - please let me know if I can continue clearing this up

Thanks, everyone! See you during finals period!

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