A photo I took of the MAX train on the Steel Bridge in downtown Portland in 2008. It's nice to have the city moving again!
Dear class,
Welcome back to school! Today was spent finishing Hotel Rwanda as we closed down the unit. Here's what happened in class today:
Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 20: I can identify the critical components of imperialism.
Behavior LT 2: I can self-direct my learning.
Soundtrack: "Million Voices" by Wyclef Jean. Selected for today because we ended the Rwanda unit, and this song is on the Hotel Rwanda soundtrack.
AGENDA 1/20/17:
News Brief - Eric
Hotel Rwanda
Movie Assignment
Make Up/Work Time
News Brief: Eric had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: Reuters.com - Brazil Supreme Court judge handling graft probe killed in plane crash. We talked for a bit in class about this tragic event in Brazil and found it in the world map packet, before continuing on. We also talked about the inauguration today with President Trump and the upcoming protests in Portland the next few days.
Alex was selected to do the next news brief.
We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):
Hotel Rwanda/Movie Assignment: We finished the movie today, finally. About a month after it as scheduled to be done! Here is the worksheet of questions to answer as we watched:
I enjoyed going through the answers together in class - this was a good discussion! Thank you!
In wrapping up the unit, I told the class that if they were interested in continuing to talk about issues such as race and ethnicity, they should consider forecasting for my new Diversity and Social Justice class here at Westview. It will be .5 elective credit, team teaching with Ms. Labossiere! If the course happens as we want it and you get it on your schedule, you would be guaranteed (we think!) of having me as your teacher for it, along with Ms. Labossiere. Here is a flyer to check out more information!
Consider it as a part of your forecasting for next year! Forecasting will start in early February. :-)
Make Up/Work Time: Grades have been updated on StudentVUE. Please know what you need to be working on to improve your grade. I tried to conference with students who need to turn in more work to me by next Friday! Keep working hard! We are almost at the end of the semester!
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