Good afternoon class!
Wow, I am excited that it is Friday. This week was definitely tiring, even though it was only four days long! Today was one of those days where I woke up, and the alarm clock had been going off for a full minute. So not cool. But as always, it was great to get to come to class and see everyone - and I do think we had a very productive day. Chances are, if you are reading this, you have most of the travel guide researched and done with, because you are a good student. :-)
Essential Questions: How do different structures of power impact the people over whom they govern? Why do some countries thrive while others fail?
Soundtrack: "Edge of the Ocean" by Ivy. Lyrics here. I chose this song because a) it's one of my favorites, and just plain good, and b) Nigeria is on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Heck yes, I found a way to make a connection! I talked a little in class about the movie trailer I first heard the song in. That movie is Before Sunset (2004), which is the sequel to Before Sunrise (1995). Both of those movies are absolutely fantastic. You would never think that watching two people talk for so long would be interesting, but it is, trust me. The content is sometimes a little adult (just language), but I would highly recommend them both (start with the Before Sunrise, obviously, but Before Sunset is one of my favorite movies ever) if you want some fantastic entertainment. Here's the trailer I talked about: Before Sunset Trailer.
AGENDA 2/20/09:
News Brief
Class Unity Activity?
Computer Lab/In-Class Work
Homework: FINISH travel guide for Tuesday! Check blog!
Again, do not leave this until the last minute! Be working on it over the weekend, and asking questions should you have any! I will be here to help, as always. Please either comment or e-mail me if needed.
News Brief: We began class by talking a little about what people were excited for in the upcoming weekend and any news items. I remember that Russel changed a diaper, Jazmyne is playing basketball in a fundraiser this weekend, and Carson is thrilled about baseball tryouts next week starting at 6 AM. We also talked about the Blazers, the Oscars, and how badly the class could hear us through the wall playing Jeopardy yesterday (which, by the way, it's never fun to apologize to Mr. Hardin - which happens way too often). However, as you pointed out, your class isn't nearly as bad, for which I am very thankful. Just another reason why you guys rock! Except that now I'm paranoid to have a time for class interactions, like the upcoming Africa Fair we are doing on Tuesday. We will see how that goes!
C.J. recapped an article about Rwanda, which basically consisted of him saying "Hutu's are killing Tutsi's again." Thus, I have really don't know what his exact article was, but here's another recent one on Rwanda: Rwandan Army to start Congo withdrawal. Randi, you are up for next class, on Tuesday. One current article, about anywhere outside the United States.
Class Unity Activity: I had this as an option if the class was tired of working on the travel guide, or feeling like there was too much friction or something. However, it was voted down, so we will probably attempt to do it after the travel guide presentations/Africa Fair on Tuesday. No big deal - but it should be pretty interesting!
Questions: I didn't really hear too many questions, though as I circled around the room, I did get many individual questions about the travel guide. I need the travel guides in on time, so please feel free to ask away in the comments, should you have any problems or concerns. Or ask someone else in the class - I'm sure they'd love to help, because all in all, you guys are rock stars.
Computer Lab/In-Class Work: Yes, so you voted to go to the computer lab to work for the rest of the period, which should have given you a ton of time to work. Again, if you need a pink pass from me, please let me know on Monday! I really liked how on task we were for the most part - though it did seem like people were maybe a little preoccupied with finding the right itinerary through flying. Don't worry if you can't get it exactly down, and let me know if you need help. Thank you for working so hard - I am very excited to see the results!
Also, I thought this article on the current economic climate in comparison to past "Great Depressions" was extremely interesting, so maybe you will too: CNN.com: So, just how bad is the economy?
That should just about do it. Please do not feel stressed! Communicate with me if you are having issues. Also, Blazers vs. Hawks tonight (7 PM, CSN) - though I will unfortunately be missing it, in order to possibly meet some U.S. Senators. I think that's a fair trade. Watch the Oscars on Sunday if you get the time, and please relax for a good long while, but be working hard as well! You will be rewarded and feel much better about not having to worry about it. Have a wonderful weekend, amazing students!
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteActualy it was a middle school touney! I got to run the scoreboard and do books! It was alot of fun! To see some of the talent at such a young age was AMAZING! Anyway thought I would let you know. Working on my brochure right now. I wish i had construction paper though. I guess i'll have to grab that tomorrow. Just typing facts and intinrary stuff out right now! I emailed so many links to myself I have no idea what to do with myself! Though I have seen many beautiful things to come with Egypt! Most definetly want to be able to visit there one day! Places so historical like the Valley of the Kings and the Pyramids of Giza are just so facinating. I think to be an archeologist would be amazing and so much fun!
ReplyDeleteNice! I'm glad you got to help and see some future stars. I just got back from playing basketball myself before the Blazers game - I have physical proof that I'll have to show the class on Tuesday. Let's just say my eye looks crazy.
About the travel guide - you don't HAVE to use construction paper. A regular white sheet would work too. But I know you like to go above and beyond what is required. I'm so glad you are liking the investigation! That's what it's all about! I would absolutely love to go to Egpyt sometime too! Maybe if you win the local super hero T-Shirt, you'll be able to put it on and fly there like superman. ;-)
Hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if it would be ok to use the computer for the travel guide. It says to be creative so I don't know.
Hi Randi!
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure what you mean, but it is definitely okay to use the computer to help make the travel guide, like using a set template from Word or something. Definitely make sure to spell check if you are using the computer. Let me know if you need any further advice on that - I don't know if that helped at all. :-)
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteHeck yes I would LOVE to win the shirt and fly there that would be the COOLEST thing in the world!
If it was nice outside I would probly play basketball also but it has been alittle chilly. It is so sad my season is over now! :(
Mr fritz at still at school. just finished my work. Turns out that i cant print in here. Can you please print it out for me in the morning tomorrow? please reply so i could give you my eaccess number and stuff.
ReplyDeleteCan you e-mail it to yourself and try another printer at school? I don't want you to have to be worried about it tomorrow morning. You could try e-mailing me the file too - though it's possible I won't be able to open it.
Sorry cant do that gotta go
ReplyDeleteCome in early then, or let me know if you can find some other way to get it printed out. It's possible that one of your fellow classmates could help too. :-)
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteI don't really understand what Agriculture is... can you better explain that?
ReplyDeleteAgriculture is basically farming. So, is there any farming that goes on in your country? How big of a role does it play in the economy? What are some of the key crops that are harvested?
Those would be the types of things I want. Also, remember that you should bring in a current event for tomorrow! :-)
so if your using microsoft publisher and the front side of the brochure is on the right, where is the back side at on the next page?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I can help you because I not exactly sure what you are saying, but this website looks like it might be of some use to you:
http://www.microsoft.com/education/ persuasionbrochure.mspx (take out the space)
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteI am in absolute panick mode! I had praticly finished my brochure yesterday and was finishing it up with pictures and I had accidently exited out of it real quick and it didn't save my piece. This was about 6pm now I was like piece a cake I can finish it. Yeah well now i can't find ANY of my information sheets. Ive been franticly searching my room and around the computer and cant find it ANYWHERE it had flights, hotel, prices and all my basic facts. I have NO idea what to do right now!
ReplyDeleteFirst thing: calm down, you will be okay. :-)
Secondly, oh no! That is terrible! A few things might help - ask your family if they saw any of the sheets laying around, because they might be in the recycling. See if you have any saved links from earlier. Also, you didn't save any of the file? Like, there is nothing you can go back to, you have to start from scratch?
I guess what I'm asking is: what do you have to work with right now?
well it did help for a bit, but then I got confused again. But now I got it all figured out. :-)
ReplyDeleteMr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteokay calming down!
I have links yes. But I did alot of digging through the links and have no idea where to get back to it. My history is so full it would take me ages just to find the link in that. My family no one is home until 9pm tonight and i will NEVER get it done after 9pm. UM what i have to work with. I don't have any of my facts I have some links but were for pictures and some small things, like currency..ect. and really thats it!
Jazmyne, have you tried looking in the recovered files?
ReplyDeleteHow do I do that? I mean it's possible. The reason it exited out in the first place was because it wasn't responding so it closed down automaticly and i couldn't open it so i accidendtly closed it down. But im not sure where to look for the recovered files at.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so it sounds like you are saying that you have some good information, but you totally lost everything that you had previously done in the actual travel guide template. Another question: do you ever e-mail yourself a file from school that you used to help craft it? EDIT: What Brandon just said in his comment too - there might be a way to salvage the file you were working with before.
As far as the actual content goes, I know you had a lot you wanted to talk about. Probably so much that it would have been hard to fit! So it's possible that this could be a blessing in disguise. Try just doing the very basics for each section first, then coming back to them if you can figure out how to add in more (or you find your information sheets). I know that you know where to look.
I believe what Brandon is referring to is the Recovered Files folder on a Mac. Do you have an Apple Jazmyne? Here's another handy link if you do:
ReplyDeletehttp://docs.info.apple.com/article. html?path=Mac/10.4/en/mh2267.html (delete the space)
The only thing I emailed myself were links. Everything else was done at home. Information was found in a book. It didn't seem to actually be alot it just ended up taking me a long time to find and put it all together. But i guess i can start it new.
ReplyDeletei dont have an apple.
ReplyDeleteTry this website for some tricks before you totally give up on that lost file: http://office.microsoft.com/ en-us/publisher/HP030784111033.aspx (delete the space).
It definitely looks like you might be able to give it a shot. :-)
Specifically, it looks like number 3 on that list (click "how" by it) would be your best bet.
ReplyDeleteI think it's only for documents that have been saved it wasn't saved at all.
ReplyDeleteDid you try it to see if there was something along the lines of "Document1" or "BrochureTemp"
or "UnsavedDoc" or something like that?
I think thats all I can do now is just try to finish another one.
ReplyDeleteOkay. I'm really sorry about your misfortune! Good luck - I know you will do the best with what you have been given.
ReplyDeleteSee you tomorrow!
thx for the help. :)
ReplyDeleteIm not sure if your still on but my brochure thing just froze AGAIN and if i try to fix it i loose everything AGAIN. and i can't use the recovery system because it does not work on the program i am on. So now i REALLY dont know what to do
ReplyDeleteYou still don't have a saved copy? I would suggest just writing it out then - it's obvious that your computer isn't working with the program.
Just trying printing out your text/pictures and gluing them on.
Sounds like a really bad evening, I'm sorry!
Well Mr. Fritz, i have just a little bit more to write in my letter. I'M About halfway to 3/4 of the way done.
ReplyDeleteNice! Glad to see you are working on it. I know it was pretty unclear in class what I am looking for, but we will definitely be using the letters next time.
Hey mr.Fritz
ReplyDelete1.Good job on the yarn.
2. you should play more bball at lunch. ur so good
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that you can comment on the post from last class, right? You don't have to go to the very bottom of the page.
Thank you for the compliments! I'm going to have to limit my play to Friday's, because I can't be out there hooping in my nice dress shirts. Also, I think I'm going to have to say that everyone needs to have their work in first too. I mean, if people won't work in class, why should I play outside of class? :-)