Thursday, May 14, 2015

Demographics, Day 4 - Class Recap

We learned about the country of Bhutan (and Gross National Happiness) today in class. Bhutan has an endangered population of tigers. Photo taken in 2007 at the Denver Aquarium.

Dear class,

Today marked the end of the short and sweet demographic unit. I introduced a last assignment, then there was work time in class to finish everything and turn it in, as I checked in with students that still have Historical Investigation work to get to me. Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 10: I can explain demographic changes in the world and their effects.
Critical Thinking LT 2: I can explain connections between events, issues, problems and concepts.

Soundtrack: "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. Selected for today because we were talking in class about Gross National Happiness. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 5/14/15:
News Brief – Marvin
Gross National Happiness
Demographics Work

Homework: Read the blog! Demographic unit work (see below) due today in class. If you have not turned in your Historical Investigation, please do so immediately. The last day to turn anything related to the Historical Investigation in is Friday (tomorrow). Next news brief: Raedene.
News Brief: Marvin had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - 72 killed in fire at footwear factory in Philippines. I talked about how this might be related to bad safety standards in the Philippines and why we need to practice fire drills every month here at Westview..

We also watched VICE News for the day (the first section was all about Marvin's news brief, which was the first time that has happened), before moving on.

The next news brief was assigned to Raedene.

Bhutan: To start this section of learning about a country we have not talked much about, I showed where Bhutan is on the map, and then this video about the country creating a "Gross National Happiness" demographic indicator:

I explained that Gross National Happiness was a way at looking at different demographic factors so that the happiness of the people in the country is emphasized, over how much money people have.

Gross National Happiness: The last assignment of the demographics unit was based on the GNH indicator we learned about in the video. Here is the assignment, which is a reading and questions related to it:

This was the final assignment out of four used in the collection of evidence for your Knowledge Target 10 score for demographics.

Demographics Work: The rest of class was devoted to quiet work (as I checked in with students about grades and the Historical Investigation) on the demographics unit, which was due at the end of class. Here are the assignments in the unit, if you are needing to finish them:

Assignment #1:

Students needed to find the statistics for countries on the CIA World Factbook (some of the statistics might be found from other sources, too).

Assignment #2:

Here is the reading that goes along with the assignment:

Assignment #3:

This was a NOVA documentary (link here) that we watched together in class (up until close to the end). I was asking students to write about the three countries in the film: India, Japan, and Kenya, and what their population/demographics is like. Here is the assignment that goes with this:

Assignment #4:

As linked to above, this was about Gross National Happiness and Gross Domestic Product:

All of these were due in class today. If you did not finish, please turn them in to me (stapled together). If you have any questions about any of this and what to do, please let me know and I will try to help! Have a great weekend! We are almost to the finish line! :-)

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