Because today was a shorter day, due to the two hour late opening, we played the Sporcle country game, since we couldn't finish all of Hotel Rwanda in class! This is a screenshot of the 169 countries your class was able to name (in green) and those that the class missed, in red.
Welcome back from break and to 2016! We had a shortened schedule today due to the snow and ice over the weekend, but it was so great to see everyone! Here's what happened in class today:
Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 20: I can identify the critical components of imperialism.
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing
Behavior LT 3: I can communicate and work effectively within a team or group.
Soundtrack: "Welcome Back" by Ma$e. Selected for today because it was great to welcome everyone back from break! Lyrics here.
AGENDA 1/5/16:
News Brief - Mr. Fritz
Speech Debrief/Grades
Hotel Rwanda
News Brief: I had the news brief today, due to the break. Here's the story that I chose to talk about: - Saudi Arabia-Iran row spreads to other nations. I talked about the recent execution in Saudi Arabia of a leader from the Shia branch of Islam, and how that really upset people in Iran, which is majority Shia. Saudi Arabia and many countries around it are majority Sunni, so this is a conflict within the religion of Islam. We will learn more about this next semester!
Alex was selected to do the next news brief.
We also watched the one minute BBC World News update. Here's the link to see the latest one minute update, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class):
Break: After the news brief, I gave students some time to check in with each other about how break was and what they were up to, then provided the opportunity to share out with the class. I talked a bit about my break and my experience with Mexican culture in Puerto Vallarta and going to Texas for the Alamo Bowl this past weekend!
Speech Debrief/Grades: Next, I passed back the graded Rwanda speeches, being careful to go over how I scored using the rubrics. In essence:
1) If you did not address imperialism in Rwanda at all, you received a score of 1 on that target.
2) The communication target was the score for your actual speech in front of the class, as well as how well your individual paper followed the format we talked about in class. I included my notes as well as everyone else at the table listening, so you can see what I wrote about how you did.
3) The critical thinking/multiple perspectives target was for talking about the United Nations own definition of genocide, and talking about the perspective of the people of Rwanda during the genocide in your written speech.
If you have individual questions, I would be happy to answer them in person. As with any assignment, you can always revise it (or resubmit it, if you haven't turned it in) to demonstrate a higher level of proficiency, if needed.
Hotel Rwanda: Before the movie, we played a surprise Sporcle "name the country game, as evidenced by the top of this post. The rest of class was spent watching the movie Hotel Rwanda (2004). I normally do not show entire movies in class, but this one is SO good and relevant to the Rwanda unit. Here is the worksheet of questions to answer as we watched:
We watched until 1:19 in class, and will watch the rest next class
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