Click for full size and use for your homework!
Good afternoon,
This is the first time I have written a class recap while actually still being at Westview! Fun little fact. I am sitting at Mrs. DeFrance's desk in the Lower North teacher's cluster - nobody came and visited me during lunch (check that, Abe just came in - nice!), so I'm sure that everyone is eagerly awaiting the recap and there are no questions about things. :-)
Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? Is Somalia repairable?
Remember, essential questions are framed so that they do not have a clear answer. This was key for our discussion in class - lots of different opinions on what should happen and what the answer to the problem is. They also lead themselves to way better learning, because you are actually creating something as a response, instead of just memorizing facts and reciting them back. At least, that's my hope!
Soundtrack: "Somali Udiida Ceb (Somalia Don't Shame Yourself)" by Maryam Mursal. Picked because Maryam Mursal is from Somalia and the song is about Somalia. She is a very interesting person - check out this article on her: NYTimes: A Voice that Pleads for Home.
AGENDA 1/30/09:
News Brief
Somalia Recap
Expand Article Thoughts
Seminar on Somalia
What Time is it?
Homework: Is Somalia repairable? Develop/expand on a five point plan. Check blog. PACK THE PIT! (7 PM, vs. Sunset – Freshman and JV at 5:45).
I will go over this again, but just to make sure it is near the start and clear: I want you to develop a five point plan on repairing Somalia (if it can be - what would need to happen?). Use the article summary and your own thoughts about what is important to know about Somalia to build this. So again, five paragraphs, one for each point in your plan. I also want your article thoughts attached - if I did not check yours off today, please do it by Tuesday and attach it. That was more than a little ridiculous today - to see how many people just plain did not do the first assignment of the semester. Do not allow yourself to let down the class - remember, the class agreed that getting in homework on time was an issue that needed to be resolved. Let's make sure it doesn't happen again.
News Brief: Abe brought in an article on a Nigerian girl being shot to death, which can be found here: BBC.news - Girl Shot Dead in Nigerian Delta. Really just insane. I asked everyone to think about the people around the world that were born the same year, day, and probably hour as you, and are fighting in wars. A good dose of perspective is definitely needed for all of us.
We also talked a little about the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Definitely an interesting news item to consider.
I then asked if people were fired up this morning to come to class and learn about how bad the world is. Obviously, this was a sarcastic question. I do not want anyone in the class to think that we only are talking about the bad things in the world - how nobody ever does anything, how the United Nations and United States are screwing up everything, etc - because that is not the case. I want the class focused on identifying problems and proposing solutions. This shows way more intelligence than if I were to just be concerned with when Somalia was colonized, for instance.
Somalia Recap: I asked the class for some general information about what we learned about Somalia. It was interesting to hear that the first few things were pretty much exactly the same as what you already knew before talking about it. I then showed a clip from a documentary, which can be viewed below:
I discussed aspects of Somalia that have extremely high instability, according to ForeignPolicy.com - which I linked to in the last recap, but if you didn't get the chance to check out, can be found here: Failed States Index, 2008.
Obviously something has gone very wrong in Somalia. The question I have is: what could possibly help?
Expand Article Thoughts: I know this was probably confusing, until I wrote it on the board (thanks Morgan), but I wanted you to look again at your article or article summary, and see if it proposed any solutions. The question I wrote on the board that you should have written out on the back of your article recap was: "what do you think needs to happen in Somalia?" This, obviously, was supposed to set you up for the class discussion. Again, if you did not do the article summary, please get it into me ASAP. You will lose points for it being late (more for each day you do not turn it in), but it is way better than not doing it at all.
Seminar on Somalia: Wow. Wow. Wow. To those that contributed, you absolutely blew me away, once the discussion finally got going good. I think that could have lasted another 30 minutes easy. I do want diverse opinions in there though, so be careful to let those who may otherwise be quiet talk.
A few things here. The list that Zack T. made on the board (fantastic job, by the way) can be viewed at the top of this post. Remember in the future for these discussions (I cannot imagine not doing them again, because again, wow): no raised hands. Address each other, not me. Reference the text/reading/article you have been assigned to read. Go with the flow - but be careful to respect one another and listen to everyone.
About the actual discussion: I started off with the very general question of - Is Somalia repairable? There were a ton of directions to go with this. What does "repairable" actually mean in this situation? What does it mean to you? What does your article say?
I started off with this article and said that I was not really sure it Somalia can be repaired any time soon. We had a ton of thoughts come up, and I again especially want to thank those that really got into the discussion. There were a ton of different explanations and possible solutions brought up. I thought it was really interesting how half of the class seemed to be sort of advocating that another country invade and take Somalia over because it would be better for it - because really, isn't that the logic that almost every country in the modern world has used to justify an invasion? I am not saying it is wrong, just that it is a very interesting argument - "you would be better off if someone invaded and told you what to do."
So again, for your homework, I want a five point plan that you think might repair Somalia. One paragraph explanation for each point. I do not see any way that this could be accomplished effectively in less than a page.
What Time is it? The answer to this question was going to be "Game time!" But we never got to it because the discussion went so well after we got into it. I'm sure this will pop up another day, so I will save my description for it until that time.
If anyone has any questions about the homework (or anything else we did in class), please either comment below (again, just type your name in on the the "Name/URL" option and you are good to go) or e-mail me. Or see me at the game tonight - 7 PM against Sunset! Go Wildcats! Go Blazers (on Ch. 8) on Saturday! Watch the Super Bowl and The Office after it on Sunday! Have an amazing weekend!
WOW! the class discussion was so much fun! i always enjoy being able to express my opinion...its a fun way to learn everyone elses opinion and see what they have to say! it was fun, exciting and i learned alot! great idea! like to see it alot more!
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you make it on the blog! You can go back through time and see everything we've been doing since last semester, if you like. I'm glad you thought the class discussion was fun and interesting - I did too! :-)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
- Mr. Fritz
ReplyDeleteMr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteMan I really thought that the Cards had it! At least it wasn't a blowout like like most people expected, but I think that the Cards deserved it more. Now next year it's the '9ers turn!
See you Tuesday.
Fitzgerald. You know he is the man!
ReplyDeleteI think Warner had killed it for them when he had just threw the ball away. I dont think he should retire!
What an incredible ending to the game... again! I actually stayed up WAY late last night (5 AM) to watch the finals of the Australian Open in tennis, and thought that there was no way the Super Bowl would be more entertaining - it definitely was!
ReplyDeleteExcept nothing is ever more entertaining than The Office, which was fantastic, as usual.
ReplyDeleteThat was such ahorrible end. They left too much time for pit. And did you see James Hrrisin punch that guy. How come he didnt get tossed?
I think the personal foul was probably enough. I mean, I saw that as just a really unnecessary push.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't really rooting for either team, so I thought the end was pretty amazing. After the entire game of Pittsburgh pretty much dominating, Arizona came all the way back to score, except Pittsburgh had too much time and the Arizona D couldn't hold one last time. Sound familiar? My Eagles are maybe feeling a little better now. ;-)
Hi Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteDo you know if we are going to have the class discussion tomorrow again? Because I thought it was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot!
Hi Archana!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked the class discussion too. As for your question - we always have class discussions! Last class was the first time in the new "seminar" format, which we will come back to at a later date for sure, but not tomorrow. It is important to try and switch things up, because some people just aren't very good at participating in discussions, while they may be great at other things. However, I can assure you (and everyone else) that you will enjoy class tomorrow. How's that for a teaser?
Also, what on earth is going on with the Blazers right now? I don't know if I've seen this many missed shots and constant turnovers in the last year. It's like we used up all of our offense last Saturday or something. Bad times.
See you tomorrow! :-)
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteHow about them blazers? What a way to win on the road against a good New Orleans team...
See you tomorrow.
So ridiculous! This is why you never turn off the TV or leave the stadium early. Honestly, those were three of the worst quarters I've seen the Blazers play this year, then probably the best. Too bad about Chris Paul though. Jerryd Bayless is the man - those dunks had me hopping out of my chair!
ReplyDeleteKobe with 61 tonight too... wow. Crazy night. See you tomorrow!
printer acting sketchy could i post my plan on here?
ReplyDeleteSo nobody steals your work, please just e-mail whatever you want me to print off to luke_fritz@beavton.k12.or.us - thanks!
hahaha i trust my classmates enough to not steal my work. plus it would be semi obvious if i posted it on here then later someone turned in the same work.. but okay i'll shoot you an email in a few with the final product.
ReplyDeletei also liked how last class' "seminar" was set up. i think it worked well and could be a useful thing in the future
ReplyDeleteI trust your classmates too, but you would be amazed by some of the similar things that have already gone on in regards to the homework that I read. If not identical, extremely close.
As for the seminar, I'm really excited about the feedback so far, but I also know that some people were bored to death by it, just by watching the reactions in class and the people who did not participate. As always, there has to be a balance.
See you in the morning!
Mr.Fritz from observation, I think that the seating chart needs to be remade because the people who continue to talk to one another are still next to each but are still not separated enough I think having all the desks facing the front of the classroom is a good start but some people just need to be separated so they'll be quiet and pay attention during class.I know you don't want to be strict like Mr.Hardin but sometimes you need to be so they will listen, I'm not sayin be MR.Hardin but you might want to start taking a more direct approach to the situations so the situations stay in your hands and not the students.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that you write that. I actually thought the seating chart worked wonders today - we were very productive. I mean, it is impossible to fully separate everyone who might talk, because that is one of the great things about the class - it seems like everyone really does like the atmosphere and each other.
I'm glad you liked the change of seating direction, at least. We'll see how the new chart works out for the time being. If you have a big complaint about someone you are sitting with, or feel like you would be more productive elsewhere, please e-mail me and I will try to work with you on that.
As for the strictness, I think pretty much ALL I've been doing is confronting the situations directly up to this point. The seating chart is a form of indirect management - me identifying students and calling those out who are not on task simply was not working by itself.
Thanks for the thoughts though!