Hello and welcome to another class recap!
Generally, I liked how today went. I enjoy the fact that I can trust you guys with a completely random (for the most part) seating chart! I really liked what we did with the pictures of the civil rights movement. I am not sure how clear the talk about the bibliography and your research question for your final paper was, so I am thinking that we will devote most of the class on Thursday to writing notes about your sources and continuing to write the paper.
Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? What are civil rights?
Soundtrack: "Amazing" by Kanye West. Lyrics here. Selected because I keep hearing it for the NBA playoffs commercials, and because you guys are amazing. :-)
AGENDA 5/19/09:
News Brief
Recap and Gallery Walk
Final Paper Bibliography
Research Questions
Homework: Have research question formulated for next class, begin work on writing paper! Read blog recap!
If anyone would like help with formulating a good question, please post a message in the comments with your topic (something that you are interested in studying), and I will try to make it work! Your fellow classmates can help with this too!
News Brief: I don't know about you, but the start of class seemed to drag on for me. This was partially because I had to pass back about 40 papers, and partially because it seemed like we did not have too much to talk about. Sure, there was the Los Angeles earthquake, President Obama speaking at Notre Dame University, and the swine flu cases nearing 10,000. There is definitely so much more going on though! Remember to keep paying attention to everything!
For the news brief, because nobody stepped up to the plate in the comments on the last blog, I brought in this article to talk about: CNN.com - Obama, Netanyahu discuss U.S.-Israeli disagreements.
We used this same article to talk about how to write a bibliography for a website later in class. Mainly, I wanted to point out that President Obama met yesterday with Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to talk about exactly what we have covered in class! What should Israel do about the threat of Iran? Should there be a two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Again, I try to make everything that we learn about relate to what is currently going on in the world!
So, if anyone would like to step up to do the news brief for next class, on Thursday, in the comments, I would much appreciate it. Thanks!
Recap and Gallery Walk: For this part of class, I asked everyone to get out your note sheets on civil rights and what Martin Luther King Jr. had to say about how to get them. I wrote a few ideas on the board that we talked about last class, using excerpts from MLK's speeches. Then, I had everyone go around the room and look at the pictures from the African-American fight for civil rights in the United States. I asked you to choose four, and write down how they were (or were not) visual representations of MLK's philosophy.
I thought the class discussion on these, using the ELMO to look at a few with everybody, was really fantastic. Look, those were pictures that were supposed to be pretty controversial and get a response out of you! It is no wonder that there was some great thoughts about how the pictures were possible representations of non-violent philosophy. Thanks for this!
Final Paper Bibliography: For this section of the class, I talked about how to create an easy bibliography, using the "cheat sheets" that were stapled in your folders. I used the aforementioned CNN article as an example. Remember, for your final paper, you need to have at least four different sources, and three of them have to be a newspaper article, magazine article, and a book. Wikipedia is NOT a source, but it does frequently link to sources at the bottom of each page!
Research Questions: Abe and I handed out a bright yellow sheet to help you with formulating a good research question. We brainstormed on the board the aspects of a great question, like: being specific, testable, interesting, and easy to follow. For the last 10 minutes or so, we worked in class on developing your questions. Again, please see me if you want any help with it! Begin researching and answering your question! This should be a fairly lengthy paper - about 3-4 pages by the time you are all done. We will continue to talk about great ways to take notes and accomplish all the other objectives for the paper, next class.
Whew. That is a lot. I am guessing that a lot of it still does not make much sense, or is really stressful if it does. Let's continue working on this all together! Have a great rest of the day, and please make sure to stay in touch!
Mr Fritz
ReplyDeletewhat was the question that you suggested for robotic technology?
ReplyDeleteSomething like: how has robotics connected people across the world in regards to culture, the economy, and the future?
I know that sounds complex, but just think of basics that you want to study and put it into the question.
oh ok
ReplyDeletei just thought that robotic technology was a little braud for a topic and i couldn't think of a question
Hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteCan i bring in a news article for thursday?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Thanks for volunteering! I really appreciate it.
i didnt see a sign up sheet for bball thursday!
ReplyDeleteThat is because I haven't put one out yet! I will try to remember to post it tomorrow. If not, just come in and post your own.
LOL..will do Mr. Fritz ...will do!I will be seeing you tomorrow anyways so i will remind you then :-)
ReplyDeletesince tomorrow is a thursday and the week is ending, are you still playing basketball mr.fritz
ReplyDeleteYou know it! Abe put a sign up sheet on the board in the room.
How is the work on your research question and notes on sources going?
its still kinda difficult
ReplyDeletei only have one source on it and ...yeah
what websites do you suggest on robotics?
ReplyDeleteWell, I am guessing if you want to narrow down your question to a few specific countries (when it comes to robotics) you might want to include Japan in that. Here's a Google News search for "robotics Japan."
Remember, you need at least one book, one newspaper article, and one magazine article. Keep searching!
ReplyDeleteThis, for instance, would be an example of an article from a magazine, because Popular Science exists in print as well: PopSci.com - Send in the Rescue Robots.
oh so can i use the magazine article then
ReplyDeleteIf it relates to your research question and helps answer it, absolutely!
ReplyDeletemy printer is out of ink
do you think i can print the sources tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteYes, just go to the teacher's cluster in the morning before class. If you are going to forget where your articles are, e-mail the links to yourself, so you can get the easily in the morning.
oh ok
ReplyDeletei might use the articles you said on the blog cause it might help also
Mr Fritz,
ReplyDeletethe sleeping pattern around the world idea was cool, but im not finding anything on it. i have no more ideas, help?
ReplyDeleteI am guessing you are having trouble finding sources because your question is so broad. How about sleep patterns in the U.S. and pick two other countries? Then, you can start looking for specifics in those areas.
For instance, if you chose England as one of your countries that you wanted to look at, you could use this article to start (skip past the ad). A quote:
"More than one in four U.K. workers take their laptops or other mobile devices to bed and use them before they go to sleep, according to results of a survey released Tuesday."
Sounds interesting, right?
that really didn't say anything about the UK. It was just talking about how workers are useing mobile internet/laptops to do work and didn't think about it.
ReplyDeleteIf you read the quote, it is talking about how a lot of people in the U.K. use their laptops before going to sleep, in bed. I would guess that in other countries, the habits that people get in before going to sleep are different. That could be your research question: how do people in these three countries get ready to go to sleep each night?
oh! ok that makes more sence. im gonna use that one! thanks!
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteI cannot really find a book about my topic on baseball and the olympics. Do you have any ideas on what I should do? I already went to the library and they did not have a big selection.
Carson Kelly
ReplyDeleteI posted this in the new blog recap's comments, but I understand that it is very difficult to find books at the school library this time of year. Beacuse of that, do not worry about having a book source. Just find extra newspaper or magazine sources online to make up for it. Sound good?