Dear class,
Only one more day to go of your Global Studies careers! This is all coming to an end really fast. I hope you enjoyed today's class - thanks for the attention, even with multiple things going on during the lesson. Please remember to finish out the year strong with the paper and any revisions that we asked you to do. Also, come see me or e-mail about any late work you may have to do! Let's go out on a high note!
Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? How did the concept of nonviolence develop and become implemented?
Soundtrack: "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. Lyrics here. As I said in class, this is one of my favorite songs ever, and the one that I picked to best describe myself when I was a sophomore in high school.
AGENDA 6/10/09:
News Brief
What We Hope to Be
Letter to Self
Class Reflections
Homework: Finish any late work/revisions on the paper! Read the blog and ask questions!
Really, that is about all there is to it! Many of you have missing assignments that would absolutely boost your grade to get in (or revise). Most of you are probably going to want to revise your final paper as well. I am here to help - let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
News Brief: I specifically wanted to make this short because we had so much other stuff to get to, but we did have a few items of interest that I wrote down to post about:
Someone (I think it was Brandon) mentioned that the search for people from the Air France crash is continuing, and - Nuclear sub joins Air France hunt. It will be interesting to see if it will be able to actually find the "black boxes" from the flight - probably the only chance of actually knowing with certainty what happened on Flight 447.
I believe it was Ben who mentioned that there was the first full facial reconstruction surgery. Here is a link to an NPR report on the story: - A Surgeon's Memoir Of 'Full Face Transplant'.
Randi brought in this article to talk about for the news brief: AFP - Gunmen kill 11 at mosque in southern Thailand: officials. It sounds like there is certainly a lot of conflict there!
Archana volunteered to bring in the last news brief of the year on Friday, though anyone can feel free to do so as well. The more stuff to talk about, the better!
Finally, I ended the news brief section by talking a little bit about my friend Ryan Bowen, who came to visit the class earlier this year. He is currently in Rwanda, trying to bring people together through sports! He took some really interesting and horrific pictures of the results of the genocide on his blog for the trip (which I showed in class). That can be found here: - Ryan's Blog - recently updated with new pictures since this morning, so check it out!
What We Hope to Be: As I pointed out, I got very little sleep last night because of grading your papers, so I did not get to do anything fancy with your "be the change" assignment that I had you do last class - as in a PowerPoint or something. However, I think it was almost as good just to be able to read them aloud and have you write about what your fellow classmates said. Here is a picture of what we came up with as far as noticing what everyone said:

I know this may have been a little boring, but I really thought it was cool to see what everyone said. Stay true to your hopes and dreams!
Letter to Self: For this portion of class, I handed back the letters that you wrote to yourselves from the beginning of the year as well as a reflection piece to do on them. Mrs. DeFrance and I have read a few of these reflections so far, and they were really interesting! Thanks for doing such great, thoughtful work here! I hope you enjoyed the process!
During this time, Mrs. DeFrance and I checked in with everyone that wrote us a paper, to suggest revisions and go over everything. I will repeat - if you did not check in with either of us today, that means that something seriously wrong is happening - I need your paper e-mailed to me ASAP - - thanks!
Class Reflections: For the last ten minutes of class, I asked you to reflect on the year of Global Studies. I am looking forward to reading all of these and showing everyone what they thought of class this year! Thank you for all of the honest feedback!
Whew! I had no idea how insanely busy teachers are at the end of the year. Throw in coaching football, and I have just an incredible amount of stuff to do. Please pardon me if I do not post comments or e-mail back immediately, but I will get to it! Finish out strong! Remember to bring a great attitude (and food, if you want) for Friday's class! Have a wonderful evening and keep in touch!
Mr. Fritz
ReplyDeleteWhen you finish a paragraph what is included in the conclusion?
ReplyDeleteYour conclusion should state in your own words (but remember, do not use "I" in this paper) what the paragraph just said, as far as the information given.
Just sent you my Revision. Hope its not too late
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteDo you know what Mr. Hardin's Email is? I need to send him my song thats due next class. and my email won't let me send it to myself.
ReplyDeleteYou can find Mr. Hardin's e-mail (along with all of your other teachers too) at the Westview website here: Westview High School - Staff.
It looks like his e-mail is:
Hope this helps!
Thanks! Helps a lot!
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteso if I email you my revised paper today or just give it to you tomorrow is it possible that you can tell me the score i got on it? Instead of me just giving it to you on friday.
ReplyDeleteI am going to be ridiculously busy tomorrow during school and for the rest of tonight, so I can't promise you that I will immediately be able to grade it. However, if you do turn it in between now and before school ends tomorrow, I can e-mail you your score tomorrow night (it may be late) so that you know where you stand going in to Friday.
Remember that on Friday you will have the opportunity in class to make some last minute revisions for credit as well.
oh i didn't know about friday. Thanks then.
ReplyDeleteDid you get my essay I sent to you?
ReplyDeletewoman who missed air france flight got killed in a car wreck.. brutal
ReplyDeleteYes I did, and it is already graded for tomorrow.
That is totally crazy! You should talk about that during the news brief tomorrow.
only saw the headline. dont know much about it. also what is ms. defrance's email?
ReplyDeletei need to ask her a question about my paper
Hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeletei was just wondering if you know what a mollusk is? i'm looking everywhere on the internet and in my notes but i can't find it.
ReplyDeleteFollow the instructions in the 6th comment on this post! :-)
It is
ReplyDeleteThis should help you out a bit: Wikipedia - Mollusca.
Hope that helps!
Oh my goodness! Yes that helped bunches! haha. Thanks. I know very random and not Global Studies related...
ReplyDeleteHaha! Yes, I am the all access internet resource finder. Didn't you have a Bio question earlier this term too? About flagellate, or something like that? :-)
Haha yeah. I think it was about Bacteriophage and how big they were? I did great on that project though...haha
ReplyDeleteMr. Fritz
ReplyDeleteWhat did i miss during football today? I was at a friends house studying for bio and toatlly lost control of time. My bad
ReplyDeleteLots of fun stuff, including gear issue for people going to Canby camp. Practice tomorrow starts at 2:50 and will probably go until about 4:15. Hope to see you out there!
Hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteAnother compleately random question but are you alergic to anything?
ReplyDeleteNothing except pollen. I have no idea what specific type of pollen, but I do know that my sinuses just go completely crazy in the spring here in the Wilamette Valley. Coaching football this week has been an interesting experience, to say the least! I have to carry around like 4 Kleenex's!
Oh! Sad day! Ok cool, just had to make sure.
ReplyDeletesorry i saw that after i posted.
ReplyDeleteim struggling with what to do. ms. defrance wanted me to change the topic of it basically but i started to write about the new topic and have run out of what to write about without it being 3 pages. what should i do? we did the math the other day and im 6 points away from an a. i definately want to make this up. if we cant figure out the paper is there anything i could do to get these 6 points?
ReplyDeleteI saw your paper before sending it on to Mrs. DeFrance and sent you a few comments on it as well. Basically, we think that you need to have a more defined research question and evidence for that question, rather than a lot of different things.
That being said: you could still revise your Israeli-Palestinian project for more credit. Also, did you ever turn in the Africa Travel Guide? I don't have access to eSIS from home, so I am having to rely on my somewhat outdated paper copy of grades. If you never turned that in, that would be huge.
well ms.defrance and i talked and we came up with writing it on three different players or teams but with something as solid as statistics its kinda hard to write a three page paper on, and yes travel guide has been turned in
ReplyDeleteAHHHHHHH SAD room is slowly being complety empty!!! and when i go for a can opener or a spoon IT IS NOT THERE!!!! AHHHHH...clothes are disapearing to bags and boxes are being closed...WOW it is really just NOW sinking in!!! Everyone is making so hard to leave (well it's actually a good thing) but WOW im really going to miss everybody! DONT be suprised if i cry tomorrow!!!!
ReplyDelete(my last post for a while)
ReplyDeleteYes, that sounds like it would be good. I am sure that you can take some of the same information from the first draft. Remember to correctly cite it! This is the price of earning the grade that you want - even if it seems super daunting, you have to be willing to go the extra mile for it!
I am not suprised that you turned in the travel guide. I thought I remembered it, but wanted to be sure. I would concentrate on your paper. Please let me or Mrs. DeFrance know if we can help you out.
It is possible that the room may get a little dusty for me all of sudden tomorrow, so don't feel bad. What I would do if I were you: BRING A CAMERA!
dusty? OHHHH hahah i got it!
ReplyDeletegosh i wish! i told my mom not to take her camera with her and she did
but its ok
i got a friend that will be taking pictures
and ill be glad to take pictures with people!!!
ReplyDeleteI will be bringing my camera for the class to use too. It is going to be a fun day, I am pretty confident. Are you going to play basketball at lunch too? We already have like 9 people signed up, and Mr. Hardin said he might have to play too!
ok that will be awesome!!!!
ReplyDeleteyes im playing basketball tomorrow
i might show up alittle late though like 5 minutes
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure that a lot of people will be like that too. I am so excited! Writing the lesson plan right now... you guys are going to love it!
ReplyDeleteSWEET. im just doin laundry and well packing and cleaning as much as i can so my brother dosnt skrew anything up! lol i gotta get as much done as i can.. he gets her at noon tomorrow and then when i get home i will finish helping and cleaning. UGH fun..but im excited to see my mommy again and all my family i havent seen for like either 2-4 years.:D
is it possible to get a worse grade from a revision?
ReplyDeleteyour right this is a very daunting task and im not totally sure how this will end up
ReplyDeleteAhem. Without trying to be too candid with you on this forum, that would be difficult for you to do.
Remember, narrow down your sources. You only need 3-4, from different places. Make your quotes relate to the research question and have a lot of good commentary. You also really want to make sure that your introduction AND conclusion tell the reader what the research question and thesis is.
This IS possible. You have one night left of your Freshman year. Make it count.
wait its possible to get a worse grade or you believe in me to get my paper done?
ReplyDeletesorry hahah tonights not my night for speed thinking
Question responded to.
ReplyDeleteOne quick question.
ReplyDeletewhat if we use a quote from an interview by us?
ReplyDeleteEspecially because this is such a formal research paper, try not to use interviews if you can. However, if you must, cite it like you would an article title: ("Interview with Ben").
Does the "cheat sheet" on the inside of your folder say how to do an interview in the bibliography?
k. this is perfect for what i am talking about though.
ReplyDeletek thanks. i didnt know if would be any different because it was with me and im writing the paper too..
ReplyDeleteSounds good. I would try to have a newspaper and magazine source as well as one other print source too.
oh oh thats not the only thing im useing. i can still use all of the same sources because they still apply.
ReplyDeleteIf I remember correctly, you had about 15 sources (especially from that magazine). That is WAY too many for this short of a research paper. Pick a few good quotes and leave the rest behind.
im not directly citing all sources. but they all helped. should i still drop some?
ReplyDeleteIf you are not directly citing something in your paper, you do not need it in your bibliography. That is a huge point that will improve your grade. Basically, only cite things that are either direct quotes or something that you summarized from a direct quote from the article.
hey mr. fritz,
ReplyDeleteum so i'm just wondering if i get my essay to get my overall grade to be like 89.7 or whatever, will it round up to an A?
oh hahaha so that took my grade down?
ReplyDeletei thought having alot would help my grade. my bad.
ReplyDeleteIt does not round, to the best of my knowledge. The electronic grading system - eSIS is a beast when it comes down to making things exact.
Do not leave it to chance! Put everything you have into revising the paper by looking at the comments, please!
daaaaaaaang. alright thank you mr fritz.
ReplyDeleteThat was one of the reasons, yes. One of the others was that you had no real focus of the paper (possibly due to the amount of sources). Again, make it really about those 3-4 sources and answering your research question.
mr fritz im really struggling to get it to 3 pages. taking out talking about the indoor game really took alot away from the paper and im not sure what to talk about to get the length back
ReplyDeleteA long paper does not necessarily mean a good grade. First things first, before you start worrying about length.
Do you have an introduction, where you state the research question (remember, do not use "I" at all in this paper) and your thesis (the basics of the answer to the question), which you address in the body paragraphs?
Do the body paragraphs have an introductory sentence, two concrete details, a commentary (or analysis) about how those details help answer your research question, and a concluding statement about the paragraph?
Does the conclusion state the research question again and come back to the thesis to show how you answered the research question?
If in doubt, make sure to read the rubic that we stapled to your first paper as well. That will very clearly tell you what is expected.
emailed my paper
ReplyDeleteGot it. Give me a second to give it a quick once over, okay?
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind, I am going to make some comments on your paper and then e-mail it back to you so that you can revise it further.
ReplyDeleteI just sent the paper back to you for some requsted changes. Please look them over and make those changes!
WOOOHOOOO SUMMMMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen. Do you think todays pictures will be up?
ReplyDeleteI am working on the class recap right now - it will be up tonight (though obviously, there are way too many pictures to put in one blog - you will have to head over to the alumni blog after)!