Monday, June 8, 2009

Period 1: Nonviolence and Gandhi, Day 9 - Class Recap

At my Lewis and Clark graduation yesterday! From left to right, my dad, my brother, Mrs. DeFrance, me, my mom, my grandma, and my grandpa (my dad's parents). Fun times! It was a way too fast weekend! Time to finish out the end of the year!

Good morning class!

It's just another Manic Monday! My last ever with you guys! Sad times. I hope that today was productive and interesting! I always like talking about what is going on in the world and how we can hope to have a positive impact on everything. Because really, what bigger calling in life is there?

Essential Questions: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various people responded? How did the concept of nonviolence develop and become implemented? - We looked at multiple angles of the answers to these questions today!

Soundtrack: "If You're Out There" by John Legend. Lyrics here. The verse that I especially wanted to highlight is:

If you're ready we can save the world
Believe again, it starts within
We don't have to wait for destiny
We should be the change that we want to see

Great song! I am going to try to bring in the very best for you this week! :-)

AGENDA 6/8/09:
News Brief
Example Paper
Talking About Gandhi
Be the Change

Homework: Finish and turn in any late work/revisions. Read the blog and ask questions!

As I said at the start of class, please come see me to check in and make sure there is nothing you can do to get your grade higher! There is really no downside to doing this, so why not? I will be available during both lunches for the rest of the week (except for second lunch on Friday), as well as after school and before school. Make sure you finish the year strong!

Also, if you have not given either Mrs. DeFrance or me your paper, please do so ASAP, either in person or by e-mail: - thanks!

News Brief: Lots to talk about, as usual! Here's what I wrote down to link to, after we talked a little about how your last weekend as a Freshman was:

Zach N. mentioned that the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, is under quarantine in China because of swine flu fears. Here is an article about that: - New Orleans Mayor Is Under Quarantine.

Brandon talked a little about the two American journalists in North Korea, who have been tried and convicted of "crimes" that will put them in a labor camp for 12 years. Crazy stuff. You can read all about that here: - North Korea Convicts 2 U.S. Journalists.

Abe noticed the really interesting story of a couple that is accused of working for 30 years to pass U.S. secrets to Cuba. James Bond stuff, for real! Here is that story: - U.S. Charges Couple With Spying for Cuba.

Finally, the last thing I have written down to post about was our discussion about corn based products like cups, which stemmed from our talk about this article: - Search for downed plane highlights ocean trash problem. This was really interesting, and made me do some research of my own on this, which is great! Here is an interesting article from the Oregonian about all of this: - Corn Plastic Sounds Great, But Recycling It Is Difficult. Jazmyne talked a little bit about her mom and using reusable bags instead of plastic bags. I don't think people really understand how bad plastic bags are. Here is a great article about them: - Plastic bags are killing us.

A very interesting conversation, thanks!

Furthermore, as I mentioned for in the last blog - Addressing Muslims, Obama Pushes Middle East Peace - President Obama had an enormously big speech in Cairo, Egypt last week. He was talking to Muslims in the Middle East. Some of it was almost EXACTLY the same as what you guys did for your Israeli-Palestinian project! Specifically, I wanted to show the class what he had to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and nonviolence (tying the last two units together):

I also showed the end to the speech, when the President tried to say that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all had the goal of promoting peace in the world. This was very much like C.J., Carson, and Zack T.'s presentation for the Israeli-Palestinian unit! The video we watched can be found here.

Good stuff. You can watch the entire speech as well as click on a link for a transcript to read here: - The President's Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning.

I was reminded to have Ben do his news brief article for the day, which can be found here: Yahoo! News - Shootout kills 16 gunmen, 2 soldiers in Acapulco. The article talks a little bit about authorities thinking that the violence is possibly related to drug wars. I talked in class about how people don't really realize that the drugs people buy in the United States directly fund criminals in all sorts of countries. Yet another reason why illegal drugs are just plain stupid to use.

Thanks for the news brief Ben! Would anyone like to volunteer for next class? :-)

Example Paper: After this extremely long news brief section, I showcased an example of a really good research paper, done by a student in one of my other classes. It was all about chocolate, and how it has an impact on the economy, health, and happiness! See, that is the power of a thesis statement - I didn't even have to look that up. Because the student had a really memorable thesis and paper, it is easy for me to recall what she was talking about. Hopefully, showing her paper to the class was something that everyone learned from!

Talking About Gandhi: I asked everyone to volunteer a few things that Gandhi tried to do in order to better society through nonviolence. The class mentioned his hunger strikes as well as resisting temptation and living simply. This was good! After a brief discussion, we watched a biography (if you can call a three minute video a biography) of Gandhi and his philosophy on nonviolence, which you can watch again here.

Be the Change: At the end of class, I wanted everyone to really be thinking about how they want to have a positive effect on the world. To get you thinking about this, I showed this video (one of the most popular on YouTube):

I then asked the class to write about how you want to be the change you wish to see in the world (a Gandhi quote). How are you going to leave a lasting positive impact? We shared a few of these aloud, then everyone turned them in. We will be doing something with these next class, I suspect. Thanks for the participation here!

I will be at Westview until at least 7:00 tonight, as I have to coach at football practice from 5-7. However, I will be available to post comments and respond to e-mails both before and after practice. Please keep in touch! Have a great day!


  1. Hey Mr. Fritz,
    I was just wondering if I had any missing work or things i can redo?

  2. And I'll go ahead and bring in a news article for the New's Brief

  3. Hey Mr. Fritz i just emailed you my paper. let me know if it didn't get through. sorry for turning it in late

  4. Randi,

    You have nothing missing that you can make up, but I would say that you should try to retake the Middle East Map Quiz. Come see me at lunch to take it - I will coach you for a bit to get you good at it, and it will be well worth your time. Thanks for volunteering for the news article!


    I got your paper. Thanks for sending it on over!

  5. Hey I sent you the news brief

  6. Mr. Fritz,
    Devastating news. My ankle that I have had persistent problems with has recently began to have constant pain, and my mom does not want me to do permanent damage. This may mean no football. :'(

  7. Zack,

    Bad times! Get it checked out as soon as possible. You may even want to come out to practice tomorrow just to see the trainer to get his professional opinion on it. So sorry to hear! Let's hope it isn't anything too major.

  8. Mr. Fritz,
    Yeah, well I had it checked out three times in California by some doctors who worked for Kaiser and they never could pinpoint it, and last fall the trainer didn't think anything of it, but there is definitely something abnormal. I am going to go get a fourth opinion on it soon hopefully. I just do not want to do permanent damage (if I haven't already) so that I can work when I'm older.

  9. Zack,

    Good thinking. Do you remember a specific instance when the pain started?

  10. Mr. Fritz,
    I can remember when I first initially tore it up the first time three years ago, and last year when I broke it, but other than that it has been hit and miss, off and on, and I cannot seem to find a pattern. P.S. I love how this is like real life WebMD!

  11. Zack,

    I have had scattered ankle injuries the past few years now too. I have to wear braces when I am really playing basketball hard because my ankles roll so easily. I swear that I have the ankles of a 90 year old grandma. Not so fun, but I've found that when I take the right precautions, I am fine. It is possible that you never healed correctly and that there is still some scar tissue in there. Definitely good to go get an update on everything!

  12. Hey Mr. Fritz!
    So this is super random but i was wondering if you knew how to take a youtube video and transfer it to a powerpoint...again random but... :)

  13. Jillian,

    You came to the right place for a technology question. First off, you need to download the YouTube video. This site will tell you how to do that (personally, I use the FireFox browser option) Download YouTube video.

    Next, you take the file that you downloaded (remember to make it a .mp4 file and put it in a place where you will remember - the desktop works) and insert it into your PowerPoint, by clicking "Insert" then "Movies and Sounds" then "Movie from File."

    I know that sounds confusing, but that's just about as good as I can explain it without actually showing you in person (which I would be glad to do at lunch if you need to tomorrow).

  14. Okay,so the only major problem for that is that i don't have firefox! all of that website was for firefox and i have internet explorer...Any other way you know of? i might have to come have help...

  15. Jillian,

    On that website, it has a link in the middle for "Get YouTube Video" and says before it: One way is to save the following link as a bookmarklet by dragging it to your Links bar (in Firefox, Safari) or right-clicking and adding it to your favorites (in Internet Explorer, Opera)

    Did you try right-clicking the link and adding it to your favorites? Then, you go to the YouTube video, and click on that favorite (it will not bring up a new page - rather, it will add a link on the YouTube site for you to download it).

    All of that is in theory. I ended up just having to Download FireFox because it was way easier.

  16. so are we getting back our papers tomorrow?

  17. Russel,

    Yes, you will be. Considering that I will be up late into the night grading them! :-)

  18. oh that sounds
    how was the graduation?

  19. Russel,

    It was fun, but also strange because I still have classes until the middle of July, and this is finals week at Westview. So I didn't really feel like I had accomplished anything yet.

  20. oh that's really weird


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