Hello and welcome to an abbreviated class recap!
Thank you for the hard work (at least, I think it was hard work) today during class. Peer reviewing is sometimes time consuming, but really worth it in the long run. In fact, it is an excellent habit to get in to for the future. Another pair of eyes always helps improve your paper. I am excited to see what you can come up with to turn in next class!
Essential Question: How does conflict arise and in what ways have various peoples responded?
Soundtrack: "Every Last One" by Common Market. Lyrics here. As I said in class, I think my favorite line is:
We 'bout to change the mentality
Of old world savagery into a new reality
One where teachers and lawyers will trade salaries
That sure would be nice! Thank you Zack T. for the excellent suggestion!
AGENDA 6/2/09:
News Brief
Peer Review/Conferences
Going Outside?
Homework: Paper Due (first draft, typed with bibliography)! Read the blog and ask questions!
To be very clear: your best effort at a final draft of your historical investigation paper is due next class.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this all. I am here to help! Use the feedback you got from the peer review today to revise your rough draft into a final copy for Mrs. DeFrance and I to look at!
News Brief: Two stories that I wanted to highlight this morning as items of interest that everyone should know about were these - AVHerald.com - Crash: Air France A332 over Atlantic on June 1st 2009, aircraft lost. Check out those last few pictures of the extreme weather patterns in the area. As I mentioned in class, it would be hard to pick a more remote place in the ocean. We talked about the "black box" or flight data recorder that is virtually indestructible and can be used to help determine what happened in an accident. Here is one from an Evergreen International Airlines 747 that I worked on two winters ago:

Really a horrifying event. Though for any of you that are concerned about flying, know that you have a way higher chance of dying from a car accident on the way to the airport than you do the actual flight you are on. Flying is really one of the safest modes of transportation in the world. It just so happens that every so often, things go terribly wrong.
The other story I wanted to point out was this: CNN.com - GM bankruptcy: End of an era. Really an incredible day. General Motors was the biggest car company in the world for something like 90 straight years before losing its position to Toyota. Many people and dealerships will be out of jobs, though the company is expected to remain mostly intact through the bankruptcy (as it tries to get rid of the huge debt it has).
EDIT: From here on down, I added at 11:40 PM on Tuesday night. Hopefully people actually read this, and my sacrifice of sleep will be worth it!
Brandon mentioned that Dr. George Tiller, who was killed as he was passing out church bulletins this last Sunday by an extremely Pro-Life person (Dr. Tiller is famous for providing abortions to women in Kansas), was once attacked by a women from Oregon. I had not heard that until he mentioned it! Here is an article talking all about the connection: OregonLive.com - Slain abortion doctor shot by Oregon woman in 1993. The topic of abortion is really one of the most heated debates in the entire United States. Think about it. On one side, people firmly believe that the other side is murdering innocent babies. On the other side, people firmly believe that nobody should have the right to tell someone what to do with their own body. Those are two really difficult positions to sway people from!
Someone mentioned the story of Derrick Rose, the Rookie of the Year in the NBA, possibly cheating on his SATs to get into Memphis. Here is the most current article on ESPN.com about the whole thing: ESPN.com - Memphis Tigers find no proof Derrick Rose cheated on SAT. As I pointed out in class, who is to say that Derrick Rose is a "dumb" person, even if he did cheat on the test (which is a really dumb thing to do, but also something I understand people feel pressure to do). Different people are "smart" at different things. For instance, I am smart at knowing random news stories. I am really dumb about knowing how to change the oil in my car. Does either one of those prove anything? Yes, I could learn exactly how to change the oil in my car, but what if that is simply not something that I find relevant or interesting? This is exactly why I try to make Global Studies relate as much as possible to the real world. Sorry for the tangent.
Jazmyne told the class about the United Nations sending an investigative team into the Gaza Strip to determine if human rights violations are occurring or occurred during the recent fighting with Israel. Here is that story: BBC.co.uk - Goldstone's UN inquiry team arrives in Gaza. I also mentioned that the big controversy between the normally really close United States and Israel relations is about Israel continuing to build settlements in the West Bank. President Obama's administration sees that as being unnecessarily aggressive and will wind up making the Palestinians even angrier. Here is an article about that: Guardian.co.uk - Obama: halt to new Israeli settlements is in America's security interests.
The knowledge that you hopefully gained from our Middle East unit will be incredibly valuable to you in the years to come, as this all continues to develop!
Thanks for bringing in that article Jazmyne! Jordon volunteered to bring a news article in for Thursday. Thanks!
Peer Review/Conferences: At this point in time, I handed out papers to peer review your rough drafts. We went through and read exactly what I was looking for in regards to the paper, and how everyone could be helping each other revise. I trust that this section was helpful for everyone!
In the meantime, I finished up our conferences with everyone in the class. These were really nice for me to be able to do, and I know that Mrs. DeFrance feels the same way. Hopefully this cleared up any questions you may have had about your grade or your research paper.
I was a little concerned about the class not using the time in class to actually be quietly reading and peer reviewing, or working on your rough draft (if you did not do your homework). I expect that when I give you time in class to work, that you use that time. For the most part, I think you did and I was really glad for that. Thanks!
Again, I just want to help you succeed in this class and on this paper as much as I can! Please let me know how I can best be doing this! :-)
Going Outside? As I noted after the fire drill (which I never hear about, because I never get the e-mails in time in the morning because I am always in class setting everything up), we did get to go outside for a little bit. Seriously though, I am hoping for some better weather and a cooperating schedule, and we will go outside to enjoy the world a little bit! Keep hoping!
That should just about do it! Off to sleep for 6 hours, then back to the grind! I did get a lot accomplished today, even with three football meetings/practices and not getting home until 7:30. Let's keep working hard together! Almost to the finish line!
A reminder to all Westview athletes: Nike is putting on a SPARQ testing event tomorrow (or I guess today, as I am writing this) from 3:00 to about 4:30 outside on the football field. This is a great opportunity to see where you stand and get some good exercise in! Come outside and have some fun!
Have a great night - keep working on those papers please! I am excited to read them! :-)
hey mr fritz. im so sorry i wasnt in class today. i slept through 4 alarms and my brother trying to wake me up.
ReplyDeletei tried to email my paper to you but my email freaked out when i tried to. i can get on a different computer later and try again. i can show you when i sent it to myslef( so i can get to it from other computers) so that you can confirm it was done on time.
hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteok so so happened that when i turned on my laptop, my paper so far is there. but i'm thinking that i might need to do my paper on a different topic because there isn't a whole lot on my topic now.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear that you still have your paper! Do not switch topics, especially if you have already written a big rough draft. There is a lot to research about! The big finales of American Idol and Britain's Got Talent happened very recently!
yeah i know that the finales happened recently and i've tried looking for stuff for the past hour since i sent you the comment. nothing but reworded stuff i already have that equal up to a page. all three topics.
ReplyDeleteHere is an article that might help: TIME.com - Why American Idol Keeps Soaring.
Remember, you can put your own thoughts in the paper too - just be careful to not use "I" at all!
ok so i read the article. and its way different then the info i got. well the article was from 2007, so the recent ones is all the negative stuff with American Idol.
ReplyDeleteYou do not have to use all current stuff. In fact, because it is a historical investigation, we want you to be finding out information from all sorts of timeframes. That article was just something that related to your topic. What else can I help you with?
nothing. im good. i will get more info for recent stuff. later
ReplyDeleteso after we turn in our paper and get them back, can we edit it and revise it?
ReplyDeleteYes, but again, I would like your best shot at a final draft for next class.
what if the begining of my intro is like a famous quote that i found on a website with tons of famous quotes on it and not like in an article or anything then like how should i cite it and such?
ReplyDeleteYAY...you finished..it WAS worth it! ok, so personaly I got SOOO much help with my peer reviews. I had Arch and Zack T. to review my paper and it did WONDERS for me. I got some amazing feedback and all i can do is thank them. :D I actually like talking about climate change. Im kind of nerd status like that! Im So sad the end of the year is comming! we should NOT talk about it! lol Anyway finishing my Paper. See you tomorrow Mr. Fritz!!!!!
ReplyDeleteis it ok if i use a blog for a resource?
ReplyDeleteScout, Jazmyne, and Randi,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments! I just got back home from the Nike SPARQ testing thing at Westview. Fun times! I will handle each response one at a time.
I would still cite where you got the quote from, but you probably can't use that as one of your four sources. It is a great idea to start a paper with a good quote though!
I am glad you read my update and glad that your peer reviewers helped out so much! I am guessing we probably needed to talk a little more (and I know Mr. Hardin has done this too) about what a good peer review looks like. You do NOT want to just say that everything is good or interesting and move on. There is always room for improvement in anything. With the possible exception of Shakespeare. :-)
I am really sad about the end of the year too! I don't even know what I am going to do next year, and I know that I am going to miss everyone at Westview so much, even just over the summer!
It depends. Are you going to use something that I wrote? I don't know how I feel about that - it isn't really research. If it was a link I posted to, I would just cite the link. What were you thinking in terms of quoting the blog?
the website was: www.blogcatalog.com/blog/indian-idol-1
ReplyDeletei just got the recent winner out of that.
ReplyDeleteOh! I thought that you were asking if you could use this blog as a source. Generally, I do not want you to use blogs as sources, because they really do not have to be backed up by any evidence. If you have the person's name, I would do a Google News search for the winner and find a news article that mentions the singer. That way, I know it is legit.
oh ok.
ReplyDeleteYES! exactly. I always go to Zack to peer review all my papers now. Him and Arch gave me some good things I need to fix and will improve my paper.
ReplyDeleteHow was the SPARQ. im SO sad i didnt go! Well by how was it i mean what happend?
Oh most definetly end of the year is actually scary because i found out that we might leave next friday as soon as my brother and his friends get everything packed in the Uhaul. SAD SAD SAD
ReplyDeleteSPARQ was good, but really hot out! Nike gave all the volunteers free T-Shirts, so I had two shirts on, in the blazing sun. It was fun seeing a lot of my students out there though - I got to root on Zack, C.J., and Carson (I believe that was all the 1st Period people that I saw, but I could be mistaken). It only lasted until about 4:15, then I had to drive back home and pick up my Lewis and Clark cap and gown for the commencement ceremony on Sunday! Whew!
Super sad that you are leaving so soon! Ahh! Enjoy the last week!
ooo FUN.. yeah i wanted to go so bad! Well sounds like fun..but hot!
ReplyDeleteoh yess i plan on enjoying it.
for the example of citing an article within a website it has the university of wisconis example what would that be for this website? http://www.fashionising.com/industry/b--Fashion-Trends-2009-1163.html
ReplyDeletealso what if the website doesn't say when the article was written
ReplyDeleteThen simply leave that date out - though you still want to have the date that you viewed the article in the citation.
i had a question about the citing
ReplyDeletewhen we pit it into the writing do we add the article or book and page number?
and do we pit our sources in the end and if we do, how?
ReplyDeleteI am a little confused what you mean by the first question. If you are asking about citing inside your paper, yes, you need to have the author (and page number if possible), and if there is no author, the title of the article.
You do need to put your sources at the end of the paper too. This is called the bibliography. Basically, you take the long citation that you wrote out on the colored sheets of papers for your notes, with the dates, and publisher and all of that jazz, and have that at the end of the paper on a different page. You also want to make sure to alphabetize the bibliography by the first letter of either the Author's last name (if possible) or article title.
Sound good?
ReplyDeletethanks that helped a lot
and also
did you mean 3-4 pages with or without double spaces
WITH double space. :-)
ReplyDeletethat makes my job much more easier
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteDo you possibly know why whenever i try to tab over something on the begining of a line, it just completely tabs over the lines above and below. Do you know why it does this???
ReplyDeleteI am glad that I am not the only one that always has this happen! No, I do not know why. However, an easy way to fix it is to tab over, then go to the top of the page where it has the inches and the arrows on the bar across the page, and move the top arrow (pointing down) towards the side. That will drag the first line of text over.
Mr. Fritz Your a life saver!!!!
ReplyDeletehey Mr. Frtiz, tomorrow are you gonna collect the colored source note sheets or JUST the final essay?
ReplyDeleteJust the final essay at this point. We are going to do the individual conferences again, so it is entirely possible that we might have you revise it further after you meet with us. Thus, keep the notes until next week.
oh scratch that last message i sent. but thanks
ReplyDeleteWhat does a good thesis statement look like?
ReplyDeleteHere is a great website that pretty clearly explains what a good thesis statement looks like and gives some examples: Indiana.edu - Thesis Statements.
Hi Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteSo it's okay if our paper is a little bit longer than the 3-4 pages right?
ReplyDeleteYes, but make sure that you have all the elements of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion - do not have your paper entirely composed of quotes. Sounds like you are doing a great job! Thanks!
Do you center every quote for qoute thing on your paper, including quotes and excerpts from books?
ReplyDeleteYou only center quotes (and make them single spaced and indented on both sides) if they are really big, like 3-4 sentences. Everything else, you can just use in the flow of the paper. Remember to cite everything though!
ReplyDeleteAT EXACTLY 9:18 PM
Hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteok so, me looking for more info is acctually makeing one topic almost fill the entire page. thanks for the tip
Russel and Randi,
ReplyDeleteGreat! It sounds like you guys are working hard. Remember, what you bring in tomorrow is just another step in the process to a finished product. Keep going strong!
If you use the same same source more than once in your paper can you just give the name of the article or do you have to go through the procsess over again every time?
ReplyDeleteWhen you are citing sources in your paper, you always just use the article title or author. It is at the END of the paper, in the bibliography, that you have to do the full citation, with the publisher, dates, and links - all in alphabetical order.
In my opening paragraph can i just say, My resaerch question is...? or do i need a diffrent aproach.
ReplyDeletei lost my paper that tells what to put on the bibliography
what needds to be on the bib.?
ReplyDeleteYou do not want to be talking about yourself at all - saying "I" or "my" in this research paper. However, you can definitely say "The research question that this paper will be exploring is..."
mr. fritz
ReplyDeletedo you think Hindustan Times is a magazine or News Paper?
ReplyDeleteWait, so did you lose your folder? Because how to cite a bibliography was stapled to the inside of that.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a newspaper to me. Still a good source! :-)
ok so in my bibliography how would i site it?
ReplyDeleteThat would be an article within a website. If it does not have an author that you can see, it is an anonymous article within a website. Examples for both of those are found on the sheet stapled on the inside of your folder.
oh ok. yeah compleatly forgot about the papers in my folder. thanks
ReplyDeleteno but the page ripped off
ReplyDeleteso yeah
ReplyDeleteOkay. Here is a website that will tell you everything about citing sources. If you are looking for a particular way to cite a source, go down to the bottom and click on one of the links. Purdue.edu - MLA Format.
In your bibleography what if you only use your 4 sources and nothing else? Its gonna be short so is that okay?
ReplyDeleteFour sources is all that I want. It may look short to you, but it is not. Having a well written research paper does not require lots of sources - I once had a paper in college where I had to write 10 pages, using three sources. It was difficult!
ReplyDeleteI just realized that you posted another comment at 6:08, which I never saw! If you are still wondering, you would use the "article within a website" citation guide that is stapled to your folder.
Sorry for the long delay!
ReplyDeleteAnd what does a conclusion look like?
ReplyDeleteI think we have talked about it a bit in our class, and I know that Mr. Hardin has talked about it in his as well, but basically, the conclusion is coming back and stating what the paper just told the reader about the research question and the answers to the thesis. It is like a reworded introduction, but with finality.
can i come in to print my paper tomorrow
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! See you in the morning.
OH MY STARS 63..soon to be 64/5
ReplyDeletecomments on the blog!
i think that is a new record!!!
ok thanks
ReplyDeleteoh yeah
whats our record for comments on the blog?
Jazmyne and Russel,
ReplyDeleteIt is! I was just checking about that! It was previously 50. I am excited that people are checking in and asking questions! You guys are amazing at using the blog to try and help yourselves out. Great job!
ReplyDeleteim gonna miss everyone when we're all sophomores
good luck next year mr.fritz
you'll be a great teacher next year
Since i dont have a book source do find another random source or can i just have three sources in my bib?
ReplyDeleteThanks! I will miss all of you guys like crazy. I am sure that you will see everyone else around school though, except for the select few like Jazmyne - :-(
If your paper is done and you only have three sources, I would rather have you not just randomly put something in. However, if you can improve it by finding a fourth source of information, please do that. Remember, we said that you did not have to find a book, because we knew that they were super difficult to come by.
yeah thats true
ReplyDeleteif you do teach next year, are you thinking of staying in westview?
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to teach at Westview - it would be my number one choice. Teaching you guys is my dream job. However, like almost the entire rest of the state of Oregon, Westview is cutting teacher jobs next year because of funding issues (related to the terrible economy and not getting enough tax revenue). Which means that it is going to be pretty difficult to find a job, especially right away.
We will see. Mrs. DeFrance keeps telling me to continue to think positive and control the controllables. I am definitely trying to!
Why is everyone sayinggood bye. we still have another week and a half left. Please don't rush them.
ReplyDeleteGood point. Keep working hard until the end! :-)
Hey thanks for your help. Im finnaly done and its all cause of you. See you tommorow.
ReplyDeleteI am off to bed! If you are still working on your paper, I would try to wrap it up as best as possible and head off yourself. It should be a fun day of class tomorrow - I am excited to see everyone! Until then!
yeah she's right
ReplyDeletesomeone once said "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present."
I forgot who though. i think it's from a movie
hey mr.fritz.
ReplyDeleteif you get up before school i need your help. my mom keeps puting parental controls on EVERYTHING, so i was wondering if you could find out who the past winners are for Indian Idol? i know this last one was Sourabhee (however you say that) but i need the three before her.
and Britain's Got Talent
ReplyDeleteIf you just need the names of the winners, I am going to have to default to using Wikipedia to find that information out:
Indian Idol:
Season 4: Sourabhee Debbarma
Season 3: Prashant Tamang
Season 2: Sandeep Acharya
Season 1: Abhijeet Sawant
Britain's Got Talent:
Season 3: Diversity (a street dance group - won over Susan Boyle)
Season 2: George Sampson (streetdancer)
Season 1: Paul Potts (Opera singer)
Hope this helps!
yeah that does help but im gonna have to put that in the final final. i don't have anymore time. thanks