Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ladakh Semester Final - Class Recap

Congratulations! If you passed the class, you have completed a semester of Global Studies! Photo taken at Niagara Falls in 2010.

Dear class,

Today was finals day in class and, as promised, we did a DBQ style test on the Ladakh, with multiple different possibilities for learning targets to address. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets:
KN LT 6 - Location & Region
KN LT  11 - Human & Physical Systems
KN LT 16 - Culture
KN LT 18 - Structures of Power

Soundtrack: "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin. Selected for today because Ladakh is located in Kashmir, India. A classic song! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/21/15:
News Brief – Asha
Ladakh DBQ Final
Quiet Work Time

Homework: Read the blog. See you next week! Next news brief: Meaghan.

News Brief: Asha selected an article about this story for the news brief today: - Netanyahu coming to Congress next month. This is the Prime Minister of Israel, coming to talk to the United States government about what he sees as the threat from Iran building a nuclear program. President Obama has urged caution on this, and said that his administration is requesting more time to talk with Iran about the nuclear program, before any consequences are given out.

Meaghan was selected to do the next news brief.

Ladakh DBQ Final: This was the assignment for the rest of class. As promised, I let students use notes from the previous class(es) on Ladakh. The test itself was six documents (all the questions needed to be answered), followed by a short response essay. The essay was structured to be one paragraph, following an analytical structure that Mr. Lathrop and I want you to use. There were four different learning target possibilities that the final addressed (written out above). This final could also count towards a writing process score for Mr. Lathrop's class. I am looking forward to reading these over and assessing where you are at!

Quiet Work Time: If students finished early, there was time to quietly work in class.

Final grades for the semester are due by Tuesday morning. Thanks for your hard work, everyone! See you next week! :-)

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