Good morning class! It's a great day to be a Blazer and a Wildcat! :-)
To begin, thank you for the hard work today, when we got down to it. I know that I could have done a better job explaining exactly what we were doing with the developing skills, but I really loved that the class sort of carried me through and bought in to what we were doing. It would have been very easy to say, "Hey Mr. Fritz, this makes absolutely no sense," but you bought in and together (like the new poster on the wall), we made it make sense. Thank you for understanding my hoarse voice and any lack of the usual energy I have too, if that was apparent. As I said in class, the introduction to full time teaching is a huge strain on my ability to get decent amounts of sleep. That, and staying up late to be at a Blazers game...
Essential Questions: In what ways are cultures and countries interconnected? What are the factors to consider in the development of a Palestinian state?
Soundtrack: "Get Ready for This" by 2 Unlimited. There are no lyrics for this song, but it is a fantastic pump up "Jock Jam." I wanted everyone to be excited to be coming to the last class before the weekend, and working on your projects. That, and I was still excited from the Blazers game when I was writing the lesson plan at 12:30 AM last night.
AGENDA 4/16/09:
News Brief
Middle East Map Quiz
The Blazers are Proficient
Project Work
Playoff Pump-Up
Homework: Continue to work on the final project. Watch the Blazers game! Read recap on blog!
Again, be thinking about how, exactly, you are going to get your creative product to work! I need you to clear the idea by me before you can begin to work on your masterpieces! Remember that we are working on fostering relationships here. Your product needs to demonstrate this in some way! Please continue to ask me questions, if you have them!
The Blazers will be playing their first playoff game on Saturday at 7:30, on KGW and ESPN. If you want to follow along during the game by posting comments, I will be online at Casa de Fritz and will be posting responses and thoughts during the game in the comments. It might be a fun way to watch it together as a class - so if you get the chance, come back and check in!
Finally, as you should well know by now, please be reading the blog. It should be fairly obvious that I devote a lot of time and effort to it, so please use it to your advantage inside and outside of class.
News Brief: What an exciting start to the class! Not only did we have a light being repaired right in the middle of the room, but we got to talk about the Blazers! I showed you the "TOGETHER" poster that they were giving out before the game, which I posted on the wall. John Canzano of the Oregonian mentioned them in this article, near the end.
Someone mentioned that there were people camping outside the Rose Garden for the tickets that go on sale at noon today. This was something I was going to touch on at the end of class anyway, so I had Blazers Edge loaded and showed the class some pictures of people camping out at 3 AM. That link is here. Simply incredible. Blazermania is back! I also wanted to again point out the "Behind the Blazers Locker Room Door" series that Jason Quick is doing for the Oregonian. Here's the latest installment: Behind the Blazers Locker Room Door: At home with Denver.
It really was a fun game to be at. We were shown on the big screen a couple of times, and my mom is speaking at the rally later today! Lots of fun, exciting happenings going on. Like I said with the "together" thing, I am a big believer in knowing about what is going on in your community and being there for each other. The Blazers are a great example of that, and a team that I really feel proud to root for. Thanks for indulging me, everyone! :-)
Brooke brought in an absolutely FANTASTIC article about women in Afghanistan bonding together and speaking out: NYTimes.com - Afghan Women Protest Law on Home Life. Guys, again, isn't this exactly what we were talking about in class? Take a look at the following quote:
"We want our rights!" one of the women shouted, turning to face them. “We want equality!”
The women ran to the bus and dived inside as it rumbled away, with the men smashing the taillights and banging on the sides.
But the march continued anyway. About 300 Afghan women, facing an angry throng three times larger than their own, walked the streets of the capital on Wednesday to demand that Parliament repeal a new law that introduces a range of Taliban-like restrictions on women, and permits, among other things, marital rape.
It was an extraordinary scene. Women are mostly illiterate in this impoverished country, and they do not, generally speaking, enjoy anything near the freedom accorded to men. But there they were, most of them young, many in jeans, defying a threatening crowd and calling out slogans heavy with meaning.
Seriously, how many of you wrote about women speaking out as being important? Or uniting together for the cause? Or overcoming a lack of education? I know it may sound silly, but this article put chills down my spine as I read it. I love it so much that I am going to bring it in to talk about in my other classes. Just an excellent look at the struggles of women in Afghanistan and what they are doing to overcome them, and completely relates to what we have been talking about. Brooke, phenomenal job on selecting it. Aaron, you are up for next class, on Monday. Any current event outside the United States.
Middle East Map Quiz: Thank you for being quiet and focused on this. I took a gander (great word) at these, and most of them look okay, at the least! Except there was only one person who remembered the statistic from reading the blog, which is entirely depressing. Hopefully the food incentive will up the readership too. I will have these graded and back to you next class.
The Blazers are Proficient: I loved the question "Mr. Fritz, is there supposed to be a Blazers game recap in this packet?" Why yes, yes there was. I introduced the packet as a way to look at proficiency in Social Studies. This is a lot like Math, except we are looking at things like, "Can you identify and explain the critical components of an event, issue or problem?"
We will be using the rest of the packet (and some additions) to go through and construct your explanation paper and final creative product for the unit. So, to begin explaining the who, what, when, where, and why on an event, issue, or problem, I provided the Associated Press game recap ESPN.com - Outlaw scores 21 as Blazers claim home-court advantage. We read this as a class together and then I asked you to write identify and explain the critical components of the event! A fun transition here.
After that, I asked you to use that same skill to identify and explain the main parts of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, using the PowerPoint notes and any other information you know. After some hesitation about exactly what I was asking you to do with each question, I think this went pretty well! Remember, the more that you can explain or put down, the better. If I ask who is involved, it is not enough to say Israelis and Palestinians. What are the characteristics of those two groups?
Hopefully the recap on the board helped you out as well. This is something we are going to continue to explore! We really want to know, do you have this certain skill?
Project Work: I gave the class about ten minutes to get in groups and talk to each other about the project, or work on it. I really liked most of the ideas that were brought up! Next class, I am going to need a definitive statement (we will write it in class) of what you are going to do. Let me know if you have any questions!
Playoff Pump-Up: Finishing the obscenely Blazer-centric day (my serious apologies to those of you that could not care less), I showed the following video to get everyone excited about playing the Rockets, and then sent the class on its way:
Have a fantastic weekend! Enjoy The Office tonight (9 PM, NBC) and come back here for the Blazers playoff game (7:30 PM, KGW/NBC and ESPN), if you want to have a running conversation! :-)
Hey can I have the Whoppers? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCan I get the chalupa?
ReplyDeleteThe prompt was: Post a comment telling me something that was interesting, or that you learned, from the class today and the item you want, and it's yours!
Still waiting... :-)
Also, I HIGHLY doubt that Ben would misspell his own last name. Some shady business there Zach... ;-)
ReplyDeletewell i did. so its okay,.
ReplyDeletei learned how long we had been funding Israel (since the late 40s)
whopers or chalupa please:)
Very nice - Mr. LudEman came in and posted a comment right in front of me in the teacher cluster and chose one of the Whoppers. Still one of those left!
ReplyDeleteToday in class i learned that Rudy beat the rookie record for most 3-Pointers made in the season. I also learned about what i need to right on my Israeli conflict paper. Before i didnt know what to write, but i got more clarification.
Thank you :)
Okay! The Whoppers are out of my hands. Still a Chalupa, 2 Apple Fries, and an Egg McMuffin left.
ReplyDeleteToday i learned in class how much we give Israel each year 3 million and i learned the who,what,when,where,and why, and the blazers game last night oh and can i have the apple fries please!
ReplyDeleteIt's actually 3 Billion dollars a year - a heck of a lot of money! Hopefully you also learned to write out the who, what, when, where, and why of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict! One bag of Apple Fries are yours!
im not really supposed to be on the computer, but what is the project all about?
ReplyDeleteYou were in last class when I handed the Final Project (click to download) out. After you left today, we worked on addressing the skill of identifying and explaining the who, what, when, where, and why of the conflict. So, next class we will be continuing to work on the project. Do you know what you want to do with it?
i have no idea what to do, what its really about and stuff.
ReplyDeleteOkay. The project is really all about getting Israelis and Palestinians to stop hating each other and start negotiating in good faith to end the long conflict. So, how would you go about doing that? There are a lot of options - I'm leaving it up to you! What is required is an explanation paper that describes why you are doing what you are doing, and the basics of the conflict.
ReplyDeleteok. i will try to figure something out.
ReplyDeleteGreat! Look at that assignment for some good ideas, and then let me know what direction you think you are going to go in next class! Thanks for checking up! :-)
today i learned a new word
ReplyDeleteCatalyst-something to cause an important event to happen
i heard the word before but never really understood what it meant. thanks for clearing it up for me.
(if you have any food left can i take either the egg mcmuffin or apple fries. whatever you think i deserve. thanks)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! I believe that I have the Chalupa, Egg McMuffin, and Apple Fries left. Let me know what you want!
it's totaly up to you
ReplyDeletewhatever you think i deserve for that thing i learned
i cant really decide anyways
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that any one really "deserves" fast food for learning. :-) I'm going to give you the Apple Fries, because for some reason, I think I am going to have the hardest time giving that away. This makes it much easier.
We have a Chalupa and an Egg McMuffin left, ladies and gentlemen!
ok that works
ReplyDeletethanks mr fritz
so do we just get those food thingies at the teacher cluster or what?
ReplyDeleteMR. Fritz,
ReplyDeletethis is a LATE post. I will talk to you during 6th period for more clarifacation on what happend. It will be easier to talk to you in person. For the time I was there I did learn about the women protesting. I was one of the people that said they should speak up and be united. It is really cool to actualy see that. It's is like they are listening to us....weird. But i thought that was important thing to know..
i could give more...but chalupa if it isnt taken
ReplyDeleteYes, come see me at any time in the teacher's cluster, or before school.
The Chalupa is yours! I will see you 6th period - and perhaps for some basketball during lunch? Abe told me yesterday that "B" Days don't usually work out for everyone. I am going to try to be there though! :-)
Well I learned that isreal used to be known as Palestine for thousands of years. And I learned how to better understand a topic after the who what when where why paper we did. Can I get the egg mcmuffin on Monday? If you still have it...
ReplyDeletealso one of the Somalian pirates has been capture and will be tries in New York and may possibly be charged with life in prison.
ReplyDeleteThe Egg McMuffin is yours! Please remind me to give it to you. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
dang. if it takes fast food to have people read and comment on the blog then i think we should do it.
ReplyDeleteWatch the blazer game on saturday
ReplyDeletenew where the hell is matt video
Hmm, but how many people actually read the whole recap? Maybe I will have to devise some sort of way to find out!
That video was shot before the one I showed in class, before he realized that having other people dancing was a whole lot more interesting. Still cool though! I wonder what he is doing this year!
Hey Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you have decided this yet but when exactly is our "final project" due?
ReplyDeleteWe will decide that as a class this next week, as we are going through the skills packet and working in class on the project. I am thinking sometime the week after, either Monday (4/27) or Wednesday (4/29). Sound good?
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteI tossed my first coach this morning. He basically threw a temper tantrum in front of the whole crowd, threw his hat and sunglasses into the ground, and then started yelling stupid stuff. And I had made the right call the whole time. It was pretty great. It made my day at least...:) Just wanted to share that.
ReplyDeleteYou are a ref? How did I not know this? Was this a baseball game? Good for you for tossing the guy. Honestly, people need to calm down, just in general.
Three hours to the Blazers game... it is torture to wait!
Mr. Fritz,
ReplyDeleteI am an UMPIRE, not a ref. Sorry for the caps, i'm just a stickler on that specific comparison. I do plan to ref basketball in the fall, but yes right now i officiate baseball. I know...and I can't even watch because i'm going to eat with my aunt and her fiancee.
ReplyDeleteNice! Yes, I realize that baseball has umpires, not refs. Did the coach get tossed for aruging balls and strikes? That's always a good one.
Nah. I tossed him because he threw his hat down and sunglasses down when he wanted me to put a runner at second when he got third too.